Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend Hobby Update 2, also Jain Zar

Well it's the weekend and I managed to not get any posts up this whole week (thanks to Mass Effect 2). I did however get a game in and 1 of my HQ's painted up, Jain Zar.

This week I also bought and assembled the new Fire Prism Kit, except for the turret that is. I couldn't decide whether to make the Fire Prism or Night Spinner build. I could magnetize it but I don't want to go through the trouble. Interestingly, my answer came during the game I played this week when the crystal on my existing Fire Prism fell off mid-game. Instead of fixing it, I decided to convert the turret and kit it out with the Night Spinner guns and use the sweet new Fire Prism turret on my new model. I haven't painted the guns up yet but here's my current Night Spinner conversion:

I also did work on my Jain Zar model. I spent a lot of time and put a lot of detail into her that is lost in the picture but overall I'm incredibly happy with it.

Let me know what you think of my work so far. I;ll try to be more regular with updates in the coming weeks.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Well, I'm all settled in to my new place in Ohio and it's time to get back to 40k. I pulled out all of my models to decide what to work on next. I think I'm going to go through each force org. slot and finish each one unit at a time, starting with HQ. Pics of the models will follow as I get them done.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Temporary slow down

Hey everybody, Matt here.

Just letting you all (if anybody even reads this yet) that I'll be slowing down the updates for a little while because I'm in the process of moving to Ohio. Once I get there and settled in, I will resume updating the blog probably about 3 times per week. Until then take care!

- Matt

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekend Hobby Update!!!

The last couple evenings, I have been working on a new Falcon Grav Tank. I finished the main body yesterday but I still have to do the turret and the underslung mounts. I experimented with some highlighting techniques (which I have not worked with before) as well as washes and a little bit of color mixing.

The blue is Ultramarines Blue as the basecoat, then Enchanted Blue and finally a mixture of Vallejo Sky Blue and Enchanted Blue for the highlight.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Not worth the price: A prime example

In an attempt to get the best quality models many people spend money the don't need to on overpriced products that do a lousy job. My personal experience with this is in the department of primers. I found in my garage, a can of primer from Rustoleum. I looked on some forums and found users praising this brand of primer so I used it on my models. I have to say that, while it did the basic job of a primer, it took FOREVER to dry and was gummy for several hours after application. C Swizzy had a similar post recently on his blog Awesomely Disgusting So in the future I will avoid all Rustoleum products because of this. What brand of primer do other people use? Do you think I'm crazy? Let me know.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Matt's Eldar Warhost

Here's my army as it currently stands. About half of my models are painted but only one unit is completely done, but that's part of the point of me starting this blog, to track my progress on my projects. My plan is to lay out tactics I use in games as well as highlighting some of my favorite units as I finish them. I'll start off with my Dire Avengers and go from there, but that's for some other time. On some of the models that aren't done, I will do a step-by-step tutorials to show my process of painting, modeling, and basing miniatures.

Hi there!

Welcome to Perils of the Warp. My name is Matt and I love Warhammer 40k. This blog is for me to track my progress on my hobby. I currently have two armies, Eldar and Space Marines, but I play Eldar. While I have made some progress with my Eldar I am going to record here my work so far and all future work that I do. I will include pictures of my works in progress and provide as much detail as I can along the way. Check out the wide ocean of other 40k blogs, if you haven't already, and once again, welcome.