Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Cheaters, Whiners, and Haters...

Dear Cheaters, Whiners, and Haters

Please, for the love of God... shut... the hell... up. I'm sick and tired of hearing you whine about how butthurt you are about whatever you think GW has done to wrong you now. They don't care, I don't care. Man up and play the damn game. Just because you think that you are all- knowing and could run a multi-national company single-handed does not mean that we're all dumb minions who don't know what we're talking about.

It seems like every time I go to my FLGS, there's someone either bad mouthing GW or one of the other players in the store about differences in point-of-view. I know you're entitled to your opinion, but unless I ask don't tell me. I'm not interested, shut up and play the game. When games take 4 hours because you can't keep your big mouth shut, don't talk to me about how you think I should build my list and play it or how bad my codex is. I'm trying to have fun here, not stomp face.

You're the reason our area has such a terrible 40k community. If 4 out of the 5 people that play are assholes, new people won't come back to play a game or leave the hobby completely. Learn to be a good sport or go play somewhere else. Go play with yourself, I'm sure you'll have a great time. You have so much in common!

To all of you people out there who deal with "that guy" every time you play, my hat's off to you because I'm just plain sick of it.

To all you awesome players out there:
Keep it real


Monday, September 20, 2010

The Road to Adepticon: The Path Begins

I know it's been a while since my last post so I needed something to get me posting again so here goes. I am going to go to Adepticon 2011. I'm not sure what army I will end up playing but it's either Eldar or Daemons. Since most of my Eldar are painted I'm leaning towards using this as a way to use building my Daemon army as my project until then. I will be posting battle reports, my current trial lists, and painting and modeling progress as the army progresses. This is just a taste, but some good stuff will be coming soon.

Keep it real.

- DAm