Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Cheaters, Whiners, and Haters...

Dear Cheaters, Whiners, and Haters

Please, for the love of God... shut... the hell... up. I'm sick and tired of hearing you whine about how butthurt you are about whatever you think GW has done to wrong you now. They don't care, I don't care. Man up and play the damn game. Just because you think that you are all- knowing and could run a multi-national company single-handed does not mean that we're all dumb minions who don't know what we're talking about.

It seems like every time I go to my FLGS, there's someone either bad mouthing GW or one of the other players in the store about differences in point-of-view. I know you're entitled to your opinion, but unless I ask don't tell me. I'm not interested, shut up and play the game. When games take 4 hours because you can't keep your big mouth shut, don't talk to me about how you think I should build my list and play it or how bad my codex is. I'm trying to have fun here, not stomp face.

You're the reason our area has such a terrible 40k community. If 4 out of the 5 people that play are assholes, new people won't come back to play a game or leave the hobby completely. Learn to be a good sport or go play somewhere else. Go play with yourself, I'm sure you'll have a great time. You have so much in common!

To all of you people out there who deal with "that guy" every time you play, my hat's off to you because I'm just plain sick of it.

To all you awesome players out there:
Keep it real


Monday, September 20, 2010

The Road to Adepticon: The Path Begins

I know it's been a while since my last post so I needed something to get me posting again so here goes. I am going to go to Adepticon 2011. I'm not sure what army I will end up playing but it's either Eldar or Daemons. Since most of my Eldar are painted I'm leaning towards using this as a way to use building my Daemon army as my project until then. I will be posting battle reports, my current trial lists, and painting and modeling progress as the army progresses. This is just a taste, but some good stuff will be coming soon.

Keep it real.

- DAm

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

From the Depths of the Warp...

So I was in my FLGS this weekend when what caught my eye? The new Daemon Prince model. So $60 and several hours later I have one Prince and a counts as Daemon army. I have played a total of two games and I have to say... I am thoroughly in love with Daemons. I thought it would be fun and it is, but I had more fun in two games than I have in the last several weeks!!!

So now I have a problem. I told myself that I would finish up my Eldar army before starting another one, but with this new discovery I may put that on hold for a while. I would love to have a full army rather than a proxy army, as would anyone, but I already have one army that needs to be finished.

So as I have this big decision as to which direction my hobby will go in, I have the prospect of school starting up again in a couple of weeks. I'll be thinking about this for the next couple days and any input would be appreciated. If not I'll put my decision out there in a few days.

Keep it real.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hobby update

Hey people,

Sorry it's been so long... again... work has been crazy. You may be asking, "What the hell have you been doing?" Well, I've been playing. A lot. I'm getting generally 4 games a week. All of that gaming has inspired me to get some battle reports out. I've picked up a Flip camera and I'll be gettin some video reports up on Youtube and linking to them from here.

I have some ideas for quite a few topics in the near future but until then, try checking out the blogs in my list. Generally I have them there cuz they're awesome. Also, check out From the Warp for a huge blogging community with tutorials and tons of other articles.

Take care.


Monday, July 19, 2010

Something to think about: Night Spinner

I don't think there has been enough talk about the new Eldar tank. I was reading C Swizzy's post about the Night Spinner when this idea struck me...

The Night Spinner brings the Eldar a strong long range tank without need for LOS. Not to mention that it's a fast tank so you can move from cover to cover if the enemy gets too close and shoot them too!!!

Now the part I haven't seen anybody mention: Night Spinners can damage Land Raiders! It's true. S6 with Rending allows for a maximum strength of 15. Now, while it isn't reliable it is something to consider especially if you have three. Imagine the surprise on your opponents face when you pull that little trick. You place your templates right in the middl and they think you're crazy until you roll those rends and you end up penetrating and blowing up their 250 point unit! As improbable as it is, the threat you can pose to any armor makes them worth taking.

Also I'm not too familiar with the Necron Living Metal rule on the monolith but if you can rend that too that just poses another threat to that player. Granted, why are you shooting at the monolith but hey it's your game...

Just something to think about.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Autarchs, Books, Apocalypse... OH MY it's been a while

Well I know I haven't made good on my promise to update more regularly but that isn't for lack of progress. I will be including pictures of my converted Autarch as promised, but first a hobby update. I have been working on my army and I have decided to change the theme of my army. I am going to change the color scheme to Alaitoc, blue and yellow.

This occurred to me after reading Gav Thorpe's latest book, The Path of the Warrior. To anyone out there who hasn't read it or is on the fence... get it...now. It is a fantastic book by one of Black Libraries best authors, in my humble opinion. His venture into the Eldar psyche is great and brings the xenos into a life of their own outside the game. His characters feel incredibly real although notably not human. I was a bit worried that it would feel like any other sci-fi book but I was dead wrong. This is a definite must read for any player, Eldar or otherwise.

On a separate note, I have been working with a few other guys at my FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store) to organize an Apocalypse game this weekend. We will have anywhere from 6 to 10 people coming to play with each player allowed 4000 points! Talk about apocalyptic! We could have a 40k point 40k game!!! Needless to say I am excited. This will be my first Apocalypse game and I will be taking pistures of the action and hope to do a battle report on it. So keep an eye out for that.

So finally here are the pictures of my converted Autarch. Shoot me any comments you have. Talk to you in a little bit! Enjoy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Belated 4th everybody!

Happy 4th of July. I know it's a little late but I took a quick vacation and went to visit my parents over the long weekend. I didn't get any hobbying done, naturally, but I finished up my final HQ slot, the Autarch mounted on a Jetbike. I will follow with a full post tomorrow along with a pic or two of all of my HQ's. 'Til then I hope everyone had a good weekend. Talk to you soon.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weekend Hobby Update 2, also Jain Zar

Well it's the weekend and I managed to not get any posts up this whole week (thanks to Mass Effect 2). I did however get a game in and 1 of my HQ's painted up, Jain Zar.

This week I also bought and assembled the new Fire Prism Kit, except for the turret that is. I couldn't decide whether to make the Fire Prism or Night Spinner build. I could magnetize it but I don't want to go through the trouble. Interestingly, my answer came during the game I played this week when the crystal on my existing Fire Prism fell off mid-game. Instead of fixing it, I decided to convert the turret and kit it out with the Night Spinner guns and use the sweet new Fire Prism turret on my new model. I haven't painted the guns up yet but here's my current Night Spinner conversion:

I also did work on my Jain Zar model. I spent a lot of time and put a lot of detail into her that is lost in the picture but overall I'm incredibly happy with it.

Let me know what you think of my work so far. I;ll try to be more regular with updates in the coming weeks.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Well, I'm all settled in to my new place in Ohio and it's time to get back to 40k. I pulled out all of my models to decide what to work on next. I think I'm going to go through each force org. slot and finish each one unit at a time, starting with HQ. Pics of the models will follow as I get them done.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Temporary slow down

Hey everybody, Matt here.

Just letting you all (if anybody even reads this yet) that I'll be slowing down the updates for a little while because I'm in the process of moving to Ohio. Once I get there and settled in, I will resume updating the blog probably about 3 times per week. Until then take care!

- Matt

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekend Hobby Update!!!

The last couple evenings, I have been working on a new Falcon Grav Tank. I finished the main body yesterday but I still have to do the turret and the underslung mounts. I experimented with some highlighting techniques (which I have not worked with before) as well as washes and a little bit of color mixing.

The blue is Ultramarines Blue as the basecoat, then Enchanted Blue and finally a mixture of Vallejo Sky Blue and Enchanted Blue for the highlight.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Not worth the price: A prime example

In an attempt to get the best quality models many people spend money the don't need to on overpriced products that do a lousy job. My personal experience with this is in the department of primers. I found in my garage, a can of primer from Rustoleum. I looked on some forums and found users praising this brand of primer so I used it on my models. I have to say that, while it did the basic job of a primer, it took FOREVER to dry and was gummy for several hours after application. C Swizzy had a similar post recently on his blog Awesomely Disgusting So in the future I will avoid all Rustoleum products because of this. What brand of primer do other people use? Do you think I'm crazy? Let me know.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Matt's Eldar Warhost

Here's my army as it currently stands. About half of my models are painted but only one unit is completely done, but that's part of the point of me starting this blog, to track my progress on my projects. My plan is to lay out tactics I use in games as well as highlighting some of my favorite units as I finish them. I'll start off with my Dire Avengers and go from there, but that's for some other time. On some of the models that aren't done, I will do a step-by-step tutorials to show my process of painting, modeling, and basing miniatures.

Hi there!

Welcome to Perils of the Warp. My name is Matt and I love Warhammer 40k. This blog is for me to track my progress on my hobby. I currently have two armies, Eldar and Space Marines, but I play Eldar. While I have made some progress with my Eldar I am going to record here my work so far and all future work that I do. I will include pictures of my works in progress and provide as much detail as I can along the way. Check out the wide ocean of other 40k blogs, if you haven't already, and once again, welcome.