Friday, July 16, 2010

Autarchs, Books, Apocalypse... OH MY it's been a while

Well I know I haven't made good on my promise to update more regularly but that isn't for lack of progress. I will be including pictures of my converted Autarch as promised, but first a hobby update. I have been working on my army and I have decided to change the theme of my army. I am going to change the color scheme to Alaitoc, blue and yellow.

This occurred to me after reading Gav Thorpe's latest book, The Path of the Warrior. To anyone out there who hasn't read it or is on the fence... get It is a fantastic book by one of Black Libraries best authors, in my humble opinion. His venture into the Eldar psyche is great and brings the xenos into a life of their own outside the game. His characters feel incredibly real although notably not human. I was a bit worried that it would feel like any other sci-fi book but I was dead wrong. This is a definite must read for any player, Eldar or otherwise.

On a separate note, I have been working with a few other guys at my FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store) to organize an Apocalypse game this weekend. We will have anywhere from 6 to 10 people coming to play with each player allowed 4000 points! Talk about apocalyptic! We could have a 40k point 40k game!!! Needless to say I am excited. This will be my first Apocalypse game and I will be taking pistures of the action and hope to do a battle report on it. So keep an eye out for that.

So finally here are the pictures of my converted Autarch. Shoot me any comments you have. Talk to you in a little bit! Enjoy!

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